Agile Project Management | Scrum Framework

3 min readApr 25, 2021

Scrum is an application development method in software engineering. The main feature of this development method is that it is based on observer, developer and repetition. It acts from the assumption that many modern software projects are quite complex and it will be difficult to plan all of them from the beginning.

It ensures achieving the goal with regular feedback and planning. In this sense, it has a need-oriented and flexible structure. As it is shaped according to customer needs, it provides structuring according to customer feedback. Communication and teamwork are very important.

It is based on 3 basic principles;

  • Transparency: the progress of the project, problems, developments should be visible to everyone.
  • Audit: the progress of the project is regularly checked.
  • Adaptation: the project must be able to adapt to the changes that can be made.

Scrum Structure

  • Product Backlog: This is a list of what to do with the project.
  • Product Backlog Item: It is the name given to the specified items in the Backlog.
  • Sprint: Activities divided into 1–2 week time zones.
  • Sprint Backlog: What to do is determined within the divided time, a detailed timeline is created.
  • Scrum Board: The tasks that are to be performed are taken into the “to DO” Section. He is brought to the “In PROGRESS” section when the team member begins this work. If a job is ready for testing, it is placed in the “to VERIFY” state. The work is brought to the “DONE” section after being checked. In Scrum meetings, these items are relocated according to their status.
  • Burndown Chart: The graph showing the Sprint days and the work remaining in the sprint. (Provides transparency clause.)

Roles in The Project

  • Product Owner: Usually owns the product or idea. It provides communication between the development team and the customer. Defines the properties of the project. Creates a product backlog based on project priorities. He has the authority to cancel the sprint. Why can Sprint be cancelled? In rapidly changing environments, work done in a Sprint may not be important to the business unit, or it may be more important work than work done in a sprint. The business owner might want to see that and cancel sprint.
  • Scrum Master: Knows the rules, theories and practices of the Scrum well and is the person responsible for the team applying those rules. Not the manager of the team. Eliminates situations that disturb the team, prevent their efficient work.
  • Development Team: They are people who have the characteristics to complete all the work that is taken into a sprint. they form the sprint Backlog. They don’t expect the job to be given, they take the job themselves and develop it. People don’t have a single task, they do cross-tasking, everyone can do anything. It ranges from 5–7 people. Responsibility for the development of the project belongs to the development team.


  • Sprint Planning: Requirements specified with the Product backlog are divided into small tasks by the development team with this meeting. This meeting is attended by the product owner, development team and scrum master. Sprints are determined to target software development to be presented to the product owner at the end of each sprint. Sprints of 1–3 weeks are created.
  • Daily Scrum: These are 15-minute meetings that were held daily and shared the goals of the next 24 hours. Every member of the team answers questions about what I did yesterday, what I will do today, if there are any problems that are hindering my job.
  • Sprint Review: Each sprint is held at the end. The Sprint made is reviewed, the resulting product is evaluated. Errors are checked.
  • Sprint Retrospective: It is a meeting where the quality of work done throughout the Sprint, the right and wrong are evaluated. This meeting is an opportunity for the scrum team to improve itself. What can we do better? How can we do it better? answers to these questions are sought.




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